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Technorm's Civil, construction and STRUCTURAL Forensic Engineering expertise

Damages can occur in all kinds of contexts not only affecting buildings and civil engineering structures. These damages can also have an impact on the quality of life of the population and on the environment.

To determine the cause of failures and to prevent similar events from reoccurring, it is essential to understand the various factors behind damages and to present them with as much detail and rigour as possible.

Our team performs thorough forensic investigations to guide you in building a solid case in litigation.

Our expertise areas in building and structural engineering

Forensic civil engineering expertise

Forensic engineering expertise on damaged buildings, structures or infrastructures

Following an incident resulting in damage, it is legitimate to want to understand what really happened and have your questions answered. What are the causes? Should someone be held accountable? How bad is the damage? What is the extent of the damage? How do we manage the repair and the restoration?

Our forensic experts in civil, structural and environmental engineering can find the answers to all the questions mentioned above. Following an in-depth analysis of the affected structure, our experts will produce a thorough report which can support and guide you in building a strong case for resolving litigation.

This comprehensive and reliable forensic report containing photographic documentation, excerpts from best practices, testimonials and factual proofs may be presented as evidence in court. Our engineers and architects are available to act as expert witnesses before the courts in Quebec and Ontario.

Bylaws bulding upgrades

Our team has in-depth knowledge of Codes and Standards applicable to different types of buildings (commercial, industrial, and residential). Following incurred damage, our experts may suggest alterations so that the building meets the applicable requirements of the authorities having jurisdiction.

Building owners and managers can also contact us for any questions related to building compliance particularly those concerning stairs, ramps and handrails.

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